Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pick of the Week - Studded Belts from B.belt

Buttery soft, subtly colored, and gleaming like a river in the lazy light of a summer afternoon...not the typical way to describe a studed belt. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of studded belts in general. That's because they are usually too harsh for my taste; glaring, cheap reflections of the light on a rigid piece of simple colored leather. Mainly created to give young folks a short thrill in their rock star or club kid phase.

But the pieces from the German belt manufacturer "B.belt" are not your average studded belts. The little rivets are brushed in different ways and are often combined with other studs of the same color family. This gives them an aura of sophistication and makes me adore them.

Prices range from 99 to 149 Euros

About B.belt
The young belt label from Germany has been creating beautiful pieces to decorate your hips and waist for three seasons. For women or men, wide or narrow, washed or woven...there's a big selection to choose from.

Where Can I Get It?
Frankfurt: Bailly Diehl
Hamburg: Werkhaus
Cologne: Daniels
Munich: Ludwig Beck, Konen

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